Here is a sampling of the sweet decor in the room that I chose:
I love the skyline, I had one in my room last year.
Note the American flag, that little square next to it is the constitution and the declaration of independence. That door is the totally sweet porch off of my bedroom!!
So one of the guys who lives here during the year came up to orient me and give me the keys which was super nice. I asked some general questions about the area and where to shop, and he mentioned that Westcott street had "weird" people living there. I asked 'weird how' and he said, 'you know, like a different style of living' which turned out to mean hippies. Anyway, I went there and found a new age bookstore that sells scented oils and they pointed me to a food co-op that is really close to my house. I got a watermelon and some other stuff at the co-op but more importantly I learned about a farmers market on sundays that is AT THE MALL!! So tomorrow I am going to go to the market at the mall which happens to be on a lake.
Anyway, for dinner I made lentils with onions, garlic, carrots, garlic scapes and broccoli. I was really happy to see garlic scapes at the co-op because I have heard a lot about them but have never seen them. Incase you dont know, a garlic scape is a green stem that shoots up from the garlic bulb, they have to be picked off because if left on the garlic wont grow bigger. Anyway, here is a picture of some scapes and the terrible knives I had to work with:
And this is my really shitty knifework.:
Tomorrow I am going to buy a decent knife at the mall, and a bigger cutting board. I am also going to get an immersion blender because apparently the best way to eat garlic scapes is by making them into pesto and I fully intend to do that.
Glad to see that you are upstate and having a great sociological experience. Hope yoy will get your your knife soon and your post from NYC regarding to Craiglist was crazy
Your room totally rulez!!!! I hope those dudes left you some sweet Dispatch records to nod your head to.
Come back now. thanks.
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